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Journal of Social Sciences Development is open access, peer reviewed with multi-disciplinary scope that considers the authors’ scholarly contributions within scope of Education and Educational Leadership, Human, Society, Social Work, Mass Communication, Curriculum, Elementary, Secondary & Higher Education, Management, Public Administration, Linguistic & Literature, Business, Economics, Sociology & Psychology & Political Science, Physical Education, Sports Sciences, Games and Sports Meditation, Philosophy of Sports, Sports Injuries, Prevention, Physiotherapy Sports, Exercise Physiology & Psychology, nutrition, Sports Coaching, Leadership.. The Journal offers the authors opportunities authors to publish valued and original research work on diverse subjects and issues falling in the scope of the Journal.


Journal of Social Sciences Development considers innovative and original research that has neither previously been published nor under considerations for publications with any other publisher or journal. It is the author(s’) obligation to ensure the originality of their research work sent to this journal for publication and have a clear understanding that the contents of the manuscript are not under considerations either by or for any other publisher or journal. Journal of Social Sciences Development reserves the rights to transform, revise, and translate author(s’) contributions nonetheless, authors will receive statement from journal’s editorial representative prior to the publication of the same in the Journal of Social & Sports Development.



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